I’m a passionate learner, eager about technology and research in different multi-disciplinary domains related to computer science, and primarily intrigued by the field of data science and machine learning. Interested in the healthcare industry and currently looking for a graduate position.


2018 – 2022

Bachelor of Science
B.Sc. Computer Science

University of Tehran

2014 - 2018

Diploma, Mathematics

AE Highschool

Professional Experience

July 2019 - July 2021

Backend Developer

VClinic is an in-treatment and post-treatment patient communication and follow-up platform. Providing EHR, Telehealth, and AI-enabled services for patients and physicians. I was responsible for designing and implementing our platforms, including several modules such as Electronic Health Record (EHR), Electronic Prescription, and drug interaction detection. more information about the product can be found here.

Oct 2016 - July 2019

Atomic Energy High School
Robotics Programmer

Cyrus Soccer Simulation 2D Team is a RoboCup Team that I joined when I was in high school. This experience provided me with an opportunity to use programming and algorithms to solve real-world problems. We Designed and implemented algorithms within the provided competition framework for the Soccer Simulation 2D field in the RoboCup competition. Algorithms were mainly inspired by the actions and techniques of real soccer players. More information about the Soccer Simulation 2D field can be found here.

Volunteer Experience

Apr 2021 - Present

Karyar College
Teacher Assistant Representative

Aug 2020 - Present

Karyar College
Teacher Assistant

May 2019 - Oct 2020

University of Tehran, Computer Science Academic Association
Community Representative
Portfolio / Projects

VClinic is an in-treatment and post-treatment patient communication and follow-up platform. Providing EHR, Telehealth, and AI-enabled services for patients and physicians. I was responsible for designing and implementing our platforms, including several modules such as Electronic Health Record (EHR), Electronic Prescription, and drug interaction detection. more information about the product can be found here.

  • Developing Health Record System (EHR) infrastructure including:
    • Database designs and implementations with MongoDB
    • API designs and implementations with Node.JS
  • Developing ePrescription service:
    • Communicating with Iran insurances gateways through Restful APIs
    • Implementing prescribing service for physicians
    • Working with different drug and para-clinical codings
  • Developing appointment scheduling service for patients and assistants
  • Developing virtual visit service including with WebRTC, and SocketIO
  • Responsible for DevOps tasks and worked with Docker containers, and Linux based servers
  • Participating in product design activities such as user interface (UI) wireframing
  • Mentoring and teaching interns
Clique Based Classifier
Implementation of a classifier based on a grid-based clustering algorithm

In this project I used the clique algorithm, which is a grid-based clustering algorithm, as my learner.

Technologies used in this project:

see source code here.

Suffix Tree
a tool for working with suffix trees

It was our final project for the Design and Analysis of Algorithms course, and we were asked to develop a graphical tool for creating suffix trees based on text data and running different algorithms such as Longest Repeated Substring, Longest Palindromic Substring, and Longest Common Substring.

Technologies used in this project:

  • Python
  • Flask
  • Docker
see source code here.

Compiler Project
Development of COOL programming language compiler

This was the project for the compiler course of university, and it consisted of lexer, parser, semantics, and code generation. It required the implementation of the first three parts. Our responsibility was to understand different concepts of compiler implementation and complete the basic project that was available for us based on specifications of the COOL language. (see https://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/software/cool/cool.html)